...all I did was type 'sirius 66' in google and the top link was jpnearl's blog on this site. What a small world. Thanks to satellite radio. The similarities are frightening. I knew while listening to 'the beat' - sirius 66 that this is the type of channel that like-minded, predominantly gay males would listen to. Point proven.
..... on to the rant. I've never 'done' a blog before. I'm not an early-20-something. I'm not upwardly mobile. I don't own a Mac or any type of 'palm pilot' device thingee. I'm very deliberate and calculating in nearly everything I do. I'm 40, not bald or fat. I live an 'alternative lifestyle' with my partner of 5+ years. We met New Year's Eve 98-99.
This is hard.... kinda like my diary I tried to keep as a kid. All I ever filled it with were the false puberty-era entries of 'girls I thought were cute' whose 'hands I wanted to hold at the movies'. Gawd, I haven't thought of THAT crap in ages.
Smalltown Southern Baptist farmboy life.
I'm not bitter. My parents are still married. I lived a relatively normal childhood which at times I feel guilty about because it was so normal compared to many of our friends and even my partner's up-bringing.
-end 1st entry-