
musta been a tough labor

With a name like Peter Slipper.... he's got to be gay.

That is all.





This day. Man, oh man this day. It's not like I work lots of hours, it's the mental anguish and stress that irks me to no END! Not only that, but it's been a rough couple of weeks.
My cousin died. 6 months younger than me. Scary. I cried when I talked to her Mom. Couldn't help it.
Apparently my mind is either getting senile or getting better at not retaining the negative. I'm relatively NOT pissy or sad or hateful. I'm sure given enough time remembering, I could find plenty to rant about, but just don't have it in me tonight.
Onward & upward. Only way to go.
If people would only listen to what I tell them and do what I say life would be SOOOO much better and easier to take.
Fuck it, I'm out. There's other things I could wallow in, but don't feel like it now.


macoupin county graffiti (coz I always wanted to...)

These taken on a bridge in the middle of nowhere South Palmyra.
It's a constant source of new graffiti. There's always some different random saying that usually makes no sense, just profanity or sexual comments.
Btw, if you have any graffiti pics taken in or near Macoupin County, feel free to add them or email them to me.
I don't know why I find it interesting, I just do.
~more to come~


200! yay!

 So I just went to my blog dashboard thingee and was pleasantly shocked to see 200 views!!
Not being an idiot, I realize in the grand scheme of  the "blogoshpere" 200 is nil compared to 2,000 a minute for others, but still, man. It's pretty cool.
It makes me smile, while all the other news I'm reading on my feeds page makes me either angry, sad, sick to my stomach, bored shitless or numb.
Not all was doom & gloom however. Bless http://www.wickedgayblog.com/ for coming back. Now that also makes me happy! hehe.
Thanks for viewing!


...for whom the wall tolls

I have to do this here. Posting it on facebook direct wouldn't be "politically correct".
Our friend Billy died earlier today from an apparent infection in or near his brain.
Saying he was a dear and close friend wouldn't be accurate, however every time Billy showed up for one of our parties or whenever we would have a random conversation (not so much recently, but I will miss the fact that he preferred REAL conversation as opposed to texting or messages) we would hug, chat & get along like old girlfriends. I will truly miss him.
Here's my, um.. problem? no, my dilemma? my bitch? maybe all three. It's the fact that whenever somebody dies in the REAL world, numerous people find it necessary to post their condolences in the FAKE world on the person's facebook wall.... some of them speaking to the person as if they're actually reading, or worse, that the family of the deceased is sitting there scrolling through facebook reading it.
Why do some feel this is important? Why do they do this? He's fucking DEAD! He won't be reading random facebook wall posts ever again. Sure, his family might.... IF they're actually on his friend's list. However from my experience with several gay friends, their immediate families aren't actually connected to them (via social networking, that is) So, now he's dead. Do you think Mom knows his passwords? Seriously, just fucking THINK first.
If you really want to genuinely "console" or "send condolences" to the deceased's family, MAYBE you should go to the trouble of finding out his Mother & Father's names. Brother's, Sister's, etc. Their address. Their phone number. Call. Send a card. Show up at the funeral/visitation.
I also have a major problem with  the use of the abbreviation R.I.P. Every time I read those letters, all I can think of is some cheesy haunted house with a cemetery in front filled with old tombstones. And they're all gray & leaning over deep in weeds.
Honestly. If you're going to be so fucking lazy about "consoling" the bereaved, can you at least use entire words rather than initials??
It's just that I've had to scroll through several facebook "grief fests" after the fact this year and here's what I've learned. The majority of people who do this, are doing it for the sake of face. Period.
Before you throw a shit fit and back judge me, let me finish by saying this: I'm a hypocrite. More than likely neither Jim or I will contact any of Billy's people. Sure, we'll still see & hang with our mutual friends, but that will probably be about it.
We might go to the visitation, but that's a might.
Maybe I shouldn't have written this so soon, but it's a "personal blog" filled with opinion. They happen to be mine. You know what they say about opinions, they're like assholes, everybody's got one, and they all stink.

Comment away if you feel the need, I don't care. Just please take something away from this, if you read it that is... next time you decide to be a facebook do-gooder following the death of a friend -close or not- just send a fucking private message to the deceased will ya? After all, if they are reading it, you know they'll be more likely to see a red highlight above their message icon than just another random wall update.
Think about it.



~fu-reak show!~

I am not uber political. I have opinions about politics. Some of them based on researched facts, others based on my gut feelings. This rant will be mostly one of the latter.
I used to think California was the freak show of the nation. Ya had your ample supply of weirdos, yuppies, druggies, porn stars, wanabes, etc.
Then Arizona came along with their fucked up views on immigration, gun laws, Retardlican (stolen word) law makers, plus another ample supply of weirdos, yuppies, wanabes, etc. (I'm guessing not so many porn stars and Az never seemed to be a big druggie state to me, although I'm sure there's plenty of it)
Now, here in June 2012, the freak show factor points directly north of here to Wisconsin. Yet ANOTHER fucked up, Retardlican controlled state with a blatantly sinister Governor whom no one in my circle of respected friends would even consider voting for if he ran for town dog catcher!
borrowed photo from other blog
Who keeps voting for these types of people?? How do they continuously make their way to public office if they're SO hated???
Are we people (the normal common sense ones) so fucking lazy and complacent on Election Day that we LET THEM sneak in? Are we people THAT damn lifeless and inactive?? (Oh God, this is turning into a get out the vote campaign... sorry)
Look, all I know is this: In order to affect true change, we people MUST change it!
I feel sorry for every dumb fucker who lives in Wisconsin, Arizona and well, California too. Not sayin' that Illinois' anywhere better, just more (and let's be honest with each other here) more Democratic.

I googled "scott walker evil" Didn't even have to put Governor in front of it even. Here's the link.
Check it out for yourself: https://www.google.com/search?q=scott+walker+evil+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

So I guess that's it. I'll continue to vote Democratic (even IF I don't agree 100% with our fearless leaders or ALL of their opinions) And ya know why? Because when you scrape it all off, it really IS a choice of lesser evils. And in the grand scheme of "evil" the Retardlicans own it baby!
Please feel free to comment. *Extra credit to a bona fide, registered Retardlican who attempts to change my mind/political party* 

~end of rant~


this whole gay bar vs. social media thing

It's gotta be an age thing. Me & Jim were talking about vacation this summer and he mentioned Pride. *sigh*
Maybe it's just me, ok, fuck it, ya know what... it IS me. I have no gay desire to "do" Gay Pride anymore. Period. My "gotta-look-hot-be-a-slut-days" are long gone - miss them? sometimes, not often- Plus every time I think of past Pride events all I can remember is the sloppy, drunken messes that we were. Me mothering half the time and spending TONS of money on gas, hotel & booze.
I've got much better ways & things to spend my time and money on.
Which leads to point A: gay bar vs. online. Ironically - or maybe you could say fittingly - it was because of the dinosaurs of social media (AOL chat rooms) that I ended up in my first gay bar. HAHA! Er, I mean LOL, sorry.
I/we had many, many good often great times at various gay bars. We met at one even, but now, 13 years later evolution has happened I guess. Evolution of me and evolution of gay bars themselves. Me, who got older and let that urgent need to "be seen" fade -gracefully, of course- as an important thing in my life. The bars, well I could rail on how they fucked themselves up all NIGHT..... but I won't. I express my opinions about that plenty of times in person, with real people, in OUR bar (plug: Club Lustre) so we'll just leave it at that.
And I've come to truly appreciate the genuine humans (gay or straight or something in between) who come all the way out to this fucking white trash shit-hole in the field, just to hang for a while.
THAT, to me, is the true "social activity" in my life. No keyboard or cover charge required.
  btw, I totally do welcome your comments.


~pieces of shit~

Pieces of shit stuck to my shoe
Pieces of shit in my yard
Pieces of shit on my lawn mower's tires
Pieces of shit in my face
Pieces of shit bragging their brags
Pieces of shit bitching
Whats up with all these
Pieces of shit?

pieces of shit



Ok so I may not be able to bitch about it on facebook without ruining who knows HOW many "mutual friendships" but for fuck's sake! It's 2012. Everybody and their dog are on the internet using various social media outlets, google, etc.
Do you honestly believe you're hiding from anyone?? Hooray for your generic, non-gender specific fartbook postings about TV shows, food or cute kittens....all the while your COCK is hanging out 2 mouse clicks away where you're looking for "nsa hot fuck session w/well hung hwp men close to my age, your place, can't host, prefer meeting in public place"... yada, yada, yada.
It's OK! Face it, you're GAAAAYYYY!!!! You like cock! You like being fucked up the ass! There's no denying it!
My sympathies if you haven't figured out yet how to balance the "straight" side with the "gay" side.
It's really not that hard. Seriously.
Here's the greatest bit of advice I've ever been given: "Fuck 'em. Who cares what they think? It's nobody's gawd damn business".
Never a more truer statement has been made. Once you accept this and adopt it into your (sex) life, you will find living much more pleasurable.... without all that nasty guilt that accompanies every load of jiz you shoot while in the company of another man!!!!
~nuff said~


- got that right. Nothing much changes here often enough.
It's sad. The forgotten blog.
So many changes since 2004.

my insurance salesman pic
This photo does not reflect the opinions or attitudes of those involved, yada yada blah blah.

Maybe this is a better venue than fartbook, especially for those of us who hate to compete with all the other mindless diatribe, the constant stream of strokes & bitches.
Lord, what did we all do before ?? Does ANYONE remember???

That photo, btw taken at Leea & Nicole's wedding. They both looked so happy. It was a fun day.
There's so much that I could update but just can't pull it out of me right now.
If you're surfing in from some random social media site to this blog, please don't judge like ya do on those. That would be doubly rude. :)

~end of this one~