this whole gay bar vs. social media thing
It's gotta be an age thing. Me & Jim were talking about vacation this summer and he mentioned Pride. *sigh*Maybe it's just me, ok, fuck it, ya know what... it IS me. I have no gay desire to "do" Gay Pride anymore. Period. My "gotta-look-hot-be-a-slut-days" are long gone - miss them? sometimes, not often- Plus every time I think of past Pride events all I can remember is the sloppy, drunken messes that we were. Me mothering half the time and spending TONS of money on gas, hotel & booze.
I've got much better ways & things to spend my time and money on.
Which leads to point A: gay bar vs. online. Ironically - or maybe you could say fittingly - it was because of the dinosaurs of social media (AOL chat rooms) that I ended up in my first gay bar. HAHA! Er, I mean LOL, sorry.
I/we had many, many good often great times at various gay bars. We met at one even, but now, 13 years later evolution has happened I guess. Evolution of me and evolution of gay bars themselves. Me, who got older and let that urgent need to "be seen" fade -gracefully, of course- as an important thing in my life. The bars, well I could rail on how they fucked themselves up all NIGHT..... but I won't. I express my opinions about that plenty of times in person, with real people, in OUR bar (plug: Club Lustre) so we'll just leave it at that.
And I've come to truly appreciate the genuine humans (gay or straight or something in between) who come all the way out to this fucking white trash shit-hole in the field, just to hang for a while.
THAT, to me, is the true "social activity" in my life. No keyboard or cover charge required.
btw, I totally do welcome your comments.