
20 years

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It was the best of times it was....the best of times.

(Go ahead & click. It'll open a new window. Let it play while you read..)

Sometimes it makes me wonder how can it be 20 years later??
There was some seriously good times back then. 
Lemme try & put it in order (personal of course)

'98 - Wife leaves - boo hoo - for a couple of months anyway
'99 - Station House
        Zoo Babies
        The Bistro
     ...I will always remember that feeling of opening the door of my first gay bar....nervous horny         anticipation, all bundled together.
      AOL - CentralILm4m
'99  - '00
 - New Year's Eve - Bubbys & Sissy's (When it was Mabel's Beauty Shop & Chainsaw Repair)

Faces - OH SHIT! There was some goood times. Those were the nights when we were coming home at about 8am. *sigh* I'm amazed we made it home alive numerous times! 
But ya know, I'm not sorry. I'm not ashamed and I won't feel fucking guilty for getting plastered and driving back home all the way from East STL at 5 in the fucking morning. GawdDamn I miss those times!  Remember the trough? hehe

(Go ahead and click on that one. Only video I could find from Faces post 1999. It's from 2006, I think they closed shortly after. You can see why with all the str8ts watching drag crowd)

Speaking of which lemme jump forward to 2020....so randomly, thanks goodness before this virus shutdown shit...we decided to hit Bubby & Sissy's on a Sat. night. I'm (currently) not drinking anymore so unfortunately my sober ass noticed the sad state of affairs of one of my favorite "gay bars". Early on, as usual it's us & the trolls (meaning it was all trolls, lol) but as the night progressed and the drag show got underway, the place filled up with these fucking pretty millennial left over yuppy breeders. Totally took over the place. And the DJ (obviously a big hit with the hets, coz her music sucked) couldn't play a damn single gay thing. *another sigh*

Would it 'ave killed ya bitch to play one fucking CHER REMIX?!?! I mean REALLY!!

20 years ago..... (technically 22, but who the fuck's counting)

Where was I? Oh yeah...
'99 - '00
- Sunday Night Thing 
- Queer As Folk - Oh yes! 
...and I'll say it here, QAF and Sunday nights in Carlinville & the surrounding area were never the same again. I should do a complete Sunday Night Thing/The Farm/Club Lustre blog post on it's own, someday, so I won't cloud this one up with all that....but it definitely started  20 years ago!   (technically 21, but who the fuck's counting)

So, I'm old. We're all old. Don't you fucking deny it, you know you are....and so what. Lemme try & bring this back to positive here.....
Regardless if I was a "troll" at the gay bar a couple of months ago, and even though the place was full of millennial breeders and a suck ass DJ, and even though I wasn't drinking, I still had a good time!!
The bartender played along with my request to "gimme something so it looks like I'm drinking".. ;)
Sure, we were done gone by 11, hit Steak & Shake and home shortly after midnight but I still enjoyed myself immensely. (Seeing Wild Bill was a bonus!) 

Nothing will compare to those good times 20+ years ago and those days will never return (thanks to grindr and curious breeders) but I was there and I wasn't so fucked up that I don't remember it!! HA!

Here's to another 20+

Then I'll be in my 70's and an OLD fucker for sure!!
